hiphiphooray, I'm the blessed 9% in my school who didn't get into my FIRST choice cca. (if you haven't sensed a hint of sarcasm, you should)
FYI, my first choice was photographic society & my second's symphonic band. Third is runner's club, lol
Meh, if you wanna know more about my opinions feel free to talk to me anywhere yeah, this is the internet afterall. Lets look on the bright side, I can FINALLY play the instrument I've always wanted to play, I've made freidns with a few jc1s and the seniors seem nice. Talk to me in person.
On the other hand, glenda/bekloo/yiting got into library now I'm left all alone ): All of them put photog as first choice BUT didn't get in, while M put photog as third and got in -.- seriously, HOORAY FOR ALL 9%!!!
got bored during NE talk (the teacher was cute and interesting though. no wonder there are so many history students in my school)
There was some point in time where he went "hey handsome(s) and pretty(s)!", and this guy from [1S14 onwards, i think] went "YES??". I swear that was so freaking hilarious!
He also showed us a cute video
HERE's the link! Its really cute & hilarious esp. towards the middle! Its "poetic defence" and this one's about a kid telling us what he would want to defend :P
"she fusses over me and takes my side, ESPECIALLY when I have something to hide *pic of dad's broken cd*"
"when I grow up, older and wise, I'd defend my children, my wife, a girlfriend OR TWO. If I have a ferrari, I'd defend that too"
"by this time, my dear old parents are probably DEAD. I'd be devastated, I'd be SAD, enough said! But seriously, that's two less people to defend or worry!"
After that, I got bored and folded paper origami :/
this picture's actually kinda blur..and yeah, I tore paper out of my notebook & BL folded the mummy crane.
"little danny crane, practise properly, be serious!"
doesn't that remind you guys of your piano-playing days as a little kid? (yeah, my mom had to say the same thing. Not the danny crane part, of course) seriously speaking, I really only loved the piano after grade 5 or something. My grade 5 book was extremely crumpled cause I kept throwing it around back then.
That was a reaaaaalllllllyyyy long time ago and wow, EVEN LITTLE KIDS HAVE TEMPER. Actually, I was only trying to be a perfectionist then. sigh.
cafe cartel-ed with kaiying, ashley & alicia yesterday :]
I overspent so its time to save money! 3.20 was wasted on a cup of fresh milk cause I was having gastric then. The American cheesecake was AWESOME.
yeah baby :D Derwent!
abit dark and blurry here (and messy at the bg, don't mind that). 72 doesn't seem like alot here, somehow. Some shades are pretty much the same, lol. Well, similar.
Btw, I completed my observational drawings during free periods today and I felt so great! Hooray for internet resources 8D
some overdue photos:

(part) 4L's movie outing @ ehub: He's just not that into you.

the only other photo I appeared in, and I didn't even know I was actually in a photo until I saw it on chinyee's blog lol.

grace with tickets = O:
(btw I walk like a duck now. I probably over strained my legs during pe yesterday :X)
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